A ‘Hot Brick’ is film set jargon for a fully loaded walkie or camera battery. Used on a set like ‘get me a hot brick for this Alexa asap or we’re gonna miss the Magic hour shot !’

HotBrick.Media is a Full Service Production Company from script to screen. From concept through post production. Award Winning Content. Being On Time & On Budget. Filmmaking. Unreal Engine Virtual Production. Game and Metaverse Production. AI Prompts. Post Production. Editing. Irony. Existential Philosophy.

Ideas change the world & the zeitgeist can be wrangled to do good & help people and save mother earth. & It’s better to make something people will pay to watch rather than paying to make them. Content that is good in itself – Always Extremely excellently Designed and Crafted can live forever and earn revenue. And forever also deliver on the message for good cause or noble and savy brand.

let’s make some cool stuff
